This is a selected list of publications. For a full list, please visit my Google Scholar profile.
Publications in HCI
Choosing What You Want Versus Getting What You Want: An Experiment with Choice in Video Ad Placement
Silas Hsu and Karrie Karahalios
In CHI '24
Am I Wrong, or is the Autograder Wrong? Effects of AI Grading Mistakes and Error Rate Perception on Learning
Tiffany Wenting Li and Silas Hsu (co-first authors), Max Fowler, Zhilin Zhang, Craig Zilles, and Karrie Karahalios
In ICER '23
Attitudes Surrounding an Imperfect AI Autograder
Silas Hsu and Tiffany Wenting Li (co-first authors), Zhilin Zhang, Max Fowler, Craig Zilles, and Karrie Karahalios
In CHI '21
Awareness, Navigation, and Use of Feed Control Settings Online
Silas Hsu, Kristen Vaccaro, Yin Yue, Aimee Rickman, and Karrie Karahalios
In CHI '20
Publications in Bioinformatics
CNAViz: An Interactive Webtool for User-Guided Segmentation of Tumor DNA Sequencing Data
Zubair Lalani, Gillian Chu, Silas Hsu, Shaw Kagawa, Michael Xiang, Simone Zaccaria, and Mohammed El-Kebir
In PLoS Computational Biology (2022)
WashU Epigenome Browser Update 2019
Daofeng Li and Silas Hsu (co-first authors), Deepak Purushotham, Renee L Sears, and Ting Wang
In Nucleic Acids Research (2019)